IGRUA sets a new record of 19000 flying hours in 2021

New Delhi,8th Jan 2022;
Indira Gandhi RashtriyaUran Akademi (IGRUA), one of top rated flying schools of India has piled up record 19000 hours of flying in 2021 as against an average yearly flying output of 15000 per year during the previous five years while it was 11641 hours in 2020. IGRUA achieved this milestone of 19000 hours despite continued effect of pandemic and inclement weather conditions due to Tauktae Cyclone in 2021.During the concurrent period, 66 cadets have graduated as against 43 during the previous year. The achievement becomes more significant when it is done with a reduced fleet strength of 18 aircraft as against 24 during the previous years. IGRUA has already set foundation to hit a target of 25000 flying hours in 2022 by inducting a record 121 cadets in 2021 and expanding the fleet strength in 2022.

IGRUA is administered by a Governing Council under the Ex-officio Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation.

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